Jan 04,2021

Help for Strašnik

Jan 04,2021

Help for Strašnik

We are collecting financial donations for the village of Strašnik and its inhabitants Strašničane! We are collecting financial donations for the village of Strašnik and its inhabitants Strašničane! It is a village that was the epicenter of the earthquake, and which suffered enormous damage in the earthquake in which every house was destroyed. We also helped the scarecrow the year before last through the Merry Christmas project, where we got to know the locals personally and have well-developed logistics. Payment details: Udruga "Kolajna ljubavi", K. Branimira 3, 21260 Imotski IBAN: HR67 2340 0091 1103 4444 3 Opis plaćanja: Pomoć Strašniku SWIFT CODE: PBZGHR2X