Friends of the orphanage

After more than 10 years of existence, our now well-known orphanage in Songea is full of holes. This is not the end of our mission, because apart from the fact that we continue to care for all the children and feed and clothe them every day, there are more children on the streets of Songee who need our help. We have been diligently saving your donations for a long time in order to upgrade the orphanage and provide new children with a home.
However, the new children will also need to be fed and clothed every day, and water and electricity provided, which will all affect a significant increase in our financial needs. In order to welcome new members without fear and provide better living conditions for the existing ones, we are looking for Friends of the orphanage, who would help the lives of our little ones with their monthly or annual donations.
We would spend your money on food and clothes for the children, electricity for the orphanage and salaries for the employees (nun, cook, security guard and teacher). A third of our expenses are on food, and of the groceries, we spend the most on rice, which we buy 100 kg per month, which costs us approximately 60 euros. We spend almost the same amount on meat, but due to the high price, we currently eat it twice a week. Electricity in Songea is bought with vouchers and hardly anyone can afford it, so we are happy that we manage to regularly buy vouchers for electricity for the orphanage. A large part of the costs also falls on salaries, although they are unimaginably small by European standards. The salary of our cook, for example, is 50 euros per month.
How to become a Friend of the orphanage?
All you need is a little goodwill, faith in "Kolajna ljubavi" and some small money (6.6 euros per month (50 kn), 80 euros per year (600 kn), whichever you prefer). You will regularly selflessly set aside your money, and we will report to you twice a year about the condition of our large home, with many photos and thanks. You will be able to send pictures and letters to your friends, and when you become friends with them, we have no doubt that you will receive their letters as well.
Become a friend of our orphanage today by sending an email to:!